A common theme with those of my clients who are unhappy in their current role is that they have difficulty working with their boss. It can make even the perfect job a miserable experience, stilt your opportunities for development and progression and sap your confidence if you feel that your efforts are not valued. So… Continue reading Ten tips for managing upwards
Category: Uncategorized
Should I aim for a lower level role?
If you’ve been out of work for a while and money is running out then applying for a lower level job can seem like an easier way to get into work quickly. Maybe you’ve been in a situation in the past when taking a less senior role seemed like the best thing to do. It… Continue reading Should I aim for a lower level role?
Are you stuck in a mid-career rut?
Remember when you started out on your career. You were probably excited about the future with all its possibilities and keen to gain as many skills and as much experience as you could. You had lots of ideas and energy, and most likely you set yourself ambitious goals. But now, a good few years on, have… Continue reading Are you stuck in a mid-career rut?
Marketing yourself for a career change
How do you present yourself persuasively to employers when you’re making a career change? Package yourself in a way that is appropriate to the sector or role that you’re targeting. The research which you’ve carried out before deciding to make the change should be the basis for helping you to work out what transferable skills… Continue reading Marketing yourself for a career change
Planning a career change
Do you dread Monday mornings? Are you going to look back at your life and think “if only I…..”? Are you in the wrong job? As Confucius said: “Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” If you’re not happy, then it’s up to you to do… Continue reading Planning a career change
Do I fit in round here?
When you go for a job interview, it can feel like a beauty parade, where you are being assessed for your suitability for the role and the company. But interviews are a two-way process: you have an agenda too which includes assessing whether you would like to work for the organisation. Will the role play to your… Continue reading Do I fit in round here?
How to write a CV that gets you to interview
Job search is a marketing exercise, with you being both the product and the salesperson. Online tools such as Linkedin, video CVs, twitter and blogs are increasingly being used in recruitment but the CV document is still the most common method used to assess who is asked to interview. The CV is your prime marketing… Continue reading How to write a CV that gets you to interview
A clear and concise story
In the 1920’s, Ernest Hemmingway’s colleagues bet him that he couldn’t write a story in six words or less. They lost that bet when Hemmingway wrote “For Sale: Baby shoes. Never worn.” This story has so many lessons for presenting yourself to a potential employer when job searching. Choose your words very carefully to get across… Continue reading A clear and concise story
How to introduce yourself during job search
We all know that first impressions count. So when you are in a job search situation the way you introduce yourself and answer the question “what do you do?” is really important. Sit down and write out what you want to say in a few sentences. 30 seconds is a good length to aim for.… Continue reading How to introduce yourself during job search
Networking to find a new role
How many people do you know? 200? 400? 600? More? Let’s say you know at least 200. If they each know at least 200, that’s 200 x 200 = 40 000 people you can get in touch with directly or through a contact. These people will have a lot of information and advice available to… Continue reading Networking to find a new role